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Mamajah Experience

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From humus to human

A pioneer for nearly 30 years in low-tech innovation and the transmission of vernacular know-how, Mamajah offers collaborative experiences in eco-construction, organic market gardening and other agro-ecological activities practiced on the Farm.

From retired volunteers, to company employees, to young apprentices, everyone comes with their own motivations to share (experimentation, training, spirit of mutual aid, revitalization, ecological awareness, etc.).

Workers in the service of the Earth

This mix of age and social condition is energizing and very enriching for the group which, each season, is of variable geometry. A common denominator, that of being all workers in the service of the Earth.


Craftsmen from the Mamajah network participate in our workshops  team building type practices offering a very concrete opportunity to approach manual green trades and to experience collaboration with the whole of life.

PRO internships

For students or future students of vocational schools and for young students looking for orientation who wish to practice agro-ecology: permaculture, biodynamic agriculture, eco-construction:


Through nature solidarity, Mamajah offers everyone the opportunity to participate in its mission in the service of Mother Earth and Biodiversity in all its forms.

Civil Service (ZIWI)

We offer four internship places (duration 6 months) per year, in agro-ecology or eco-construction.

Contact us:


Hi there ! Would you like to wwoof at the Mamajah Farm? Subscribe to /


You want to get involved to collaborate in market gardening, eco-construction or any other activities related to reception and eco-pedagogical transmission at the Mamajah Farm. You have skills, want to share them, we need support in all areas, welcome!

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Participez à l'Expérience

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